Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County
/ Categories: 2008

Supervisor of Elections’ Student Registration Drive Is A Success

West Palm Beach, Fla. - January 21, 2008 - The Supervisor of Elections Office is proud to announce the completion of its current iVote Project, High School Voter Registration Drive. High Schools across the county participated in the drive which registered and pre-registered students to vote. This most recent drive brought the grand total to 11,819 students that have registered since the inception of the program in May 2005. “It is a major goal of my office and mine, to bring awareness to the youth of our county, of the importance of participating in the electoral process”, said Dr. Arthur Anderson, Palm Beach Supervisor or Elections. “This is their country and their voices are essential” Anderson added. 

The Elections Office, partnering with the League of Women Voters, Democrat Executive Committees’ VOICE, PBC Republican Party, other local organizations, and high school faculty, gave students a brief civics lesson, showed them how to use the voting machines and registered students ages 17 and up in their classrooms. Students who did not receive in-class training and registration were registered at tables during lunch period. Each registrant was given a specially designed “iVote” red, white and blue silicon bracelet. 

The bi-annual iVote Project was brought to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office under the leadership of Adina Serell. “We originally started this program at the high school level with the intention of registering every qualified senior in Palm Beach County,” said Serell. “While continuing that effort, we expanded the goal to reach out to local college students as well.” The college voter registration drive, which has been in effect for 1 year, has registered 1,022 students. “This outreach proved to be an important point in the evolution of the program,” Serell said. “We found a lot of interest from the faculty and students alike, which is always encouraging.” 

For more information on The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office, the iVote Project and College program, or to volunteer for a paid poll worker position please visit www.pbcelections.org or call (561) 656-6200. One Voice Becomes Many, Vote!
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