Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County
/ Categories: 2007

Palm Beach Election Run Smoothly

West Palm Beach, Fla. - December 19, 2007 - The Supervisor of Elections was pleased to see how smoothly the Palm Beach election was executed yesterday. Dr Anderson visited each precinct on the island to ensure all had proper staffing, functioning equipment and were meeting the needs of the voters during election day.

The new absentee ballot equipment recently purchased by the County, the Relia-Vote system, proved to be as effective as promised in processing the ballots. All absentee votes were tabulated by 7:30 PM, and all voting totals were on the Elections office website by 9:30 PM.

“It is gratifying to see each aspect of the election day go so well from the opening of the precincts to the final count,” said Dr Anderson. “Each election gets better and I have confidence that the new voting equipment will prove the same.”

For more information on registering, voting absentee ballots, or volunteering, please contact The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office at (561) 656-6200 or visit www.pbcelections.org . Eligible citizens can register to vote throughout the year, December 31st is the deadline to register for the Presidential Preference Primary on January 29th, 2008. One Voice Becomes Many - VOTE! 
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