Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County
/ Categories: 2006

Boynton Beach High Participates In iVote Project

Boynton Beach, FL - September 19, 2006 - The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office is vigorously participating in it’s 4th iVote High School Voter Registration Drive. The project is taking place countywide, most recently at Boynton Beach Community High School. Partnering with the League of Women Voters and other local organizations along with the cooperation of high school faculty, students were given a brief civics lesson in their classrooms or during lunch period and shown how to use the voting machines. Those 17 years old and up were then registered to vote. Each registrant was given a specially designed “iVote” red, white and blue silicon bracelet. “This is the most focused, goal oriented group of students I have ever taught,” said student council advisor and economics teacher Mrs. Friedman. “I’m glad we could participate in this program and get everyone involved.” 

“We started this program in 2005 with the intention of registering every senior in Palm Beach County,” said the program’s director Adina Serell, regarding the twice yearly high school drive. “As a result of the Fall and Spring drives last year, we registered 5500 students across the county. Working with the students is my favorite part of voter education.” 

For more information on The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office, or to volunteer for a paid poll worker position please visit www.pbcelections.org or call (561) 656-6200. One Voice Becomes Many, Vote!

Adina Serell explains how to fill out a voter registration application to seniors from Mrs. Friedman’s economics class, Masslanter Alcinor and Mohanna Lopez (voting machine in background)
Adina Serell explains how to fill out a voter registration application to seniors from Mrs. Friedman’s economics class, Masslanter Alcinor and Mohanna Lopez (voting machine in background)

Seniors Dafney Ogenio and Debbie Herring receive their “iVote” bracelets from Adina Serell after completing their voter registration
Seniors Dafney Ogenio and Debbie Herring receive their “iVote” bracelets from Adina Serell after completing their voter registration
Previous Article Glades Central High Participates In iVote Project
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