Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County
/ Categories: 2006

Register to Vote at Your House of Worship in June

West Palm Beach, FL - June 7, 2006 - The Supervisor of Elections Office announced June is “Register To Vote At Your House Of Worship Month” according to a statewide Get Out The Vote (GOTV) initiative on behalf of The Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections (FSASE). If your house of worship is interested in participating with the voter registration initiative for your members, please call the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office at 561-656-6200.

The 2006 GOTV program encourages Floridians to register, update their voter records, volunteer as poll workers and vote in the primary and general elections. The statewide GOTV plan is designed to allow each county to adapt their voter education plans to their own needs based on a calendar of themed months. For example, July will be “Register Online Month.”
Palm Beach County is doing all we can to improve our election process, as well as the number of our citizens who participate,” said PBC Supervisor of Elections, Dr. Arthur Anderson. “We are providing voter education in our county to increase public awareness of the right to vote and encouraging voter registration as well as participation in the election process. Making registering and voting as convenient as possible is what the GOTV program and our other community outreach efforts throughout the county are all about.” 
For more information on registering, voting or volunteering, please contact The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office at (561) 656-6200 or visit www.pbcelections.org. Eligible citizens can register to vote throughout the year, August 7th is the deadline to register for the September 5 Primary Election and October 10th is the deadline to register for the November 7 General Election. One Voice Becomes Many - VOTE! 
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