Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County
/ Categories: 2006

Dwyer High School Uses Supervisor of Elections Equipment for Elections

Palm Beach Gardens, FL - May 2, 2006 - Dwyer High School is in the midst of an election and they are doing it by the books. No, not for next year’s student office…that was held earlier in the semester. This election is for their Academy Awards , the school’s version of elective superlatives. What makes this election process unique is that students are using actual electoral equipment from the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections office. “It is our pleasure to get the young members of the community involved and excited about voting. We are hoping that introducing them to the process at such a young age will encourage them to vote in the future,” said Dr. Arthur Anderson, Supervisor of Elections for PBC.

Freshmen through Seniors are all encouraged to vote. The 20 categories, which will have a male and female winner for each, include the traditional Best Dressed, Nicest Eyes, Class Clown, School Spirited and Sports MVPas well as some new additions like Best Hair, Most Egotistical, Worst Case of Senioritis, Hottest Car and Most Changed Since Freshman Year . “Last year, it took us about 3 weeks of prep work to count all of the ballots which were done by hand,” said junior academy awards committee chairman John Johnson, who is also next year’s student council president. “Now all we have to do is add up the numbers the machines register…it might take us two class periods at the most. It’s so much easier. The machines are a much faster, more accurate alternative. The students get more excited about participating and it’s more fun than the typical school voting process. We’d prefer to do all our elections this way,” he said. 

The school voting precinct was set up in the Dwyer auditorium. There were eight electoral polling machines and student government members checking people off as they entered. They also had student monitors to answer questions and make sure there was no cheating. This was the first time freshmen Michael Pollard and Stephanie Carlton have voted this way. “It’s neat how they have all this equipment. It was cool that the whole school got to be part of it and it was so easy to use,” they agreed.

The annual Dwyer academy awards show announcing the results of the student elected superlatives will be held this Friday May 5th at 7pm. The public is welcome and tickets are $2 at the door. Any proceeds benefit the student government fund. For more information on The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office, please visit www.pbcelections.org or call (561) 656-6200.

STUEDENT GOVERMENT MEMBERS: Mekisha Gottlieb (12th Grade), Logan Wiggins (9th Grade), Stephanie Hensel (10th Grade), Alli Pogue (10th Grade), Delancey Matthews (10th Grade), Savy Vassel (11th Grade); Back: John Johnson (11th Grade) and Kevin Tran (11th Grade)

John Johnson (11th Grade), next year's class president

Mekisha Gottlieb (12th Grade) and Stephanie Hensel (10th Grade)

Dwyer Students Voting
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